“The Lord is my strength and my reason for singing. He saved me!”
We are Pollards Hill Baptist Church
Loving God & Loving Others
Our Mission
Pollards Hill and far beyond
As a church, we firmly believe that we are here to demonstrate the love of Jesus, in the first place, within the local community of Pollards Hill. This is as part of our efforts to live out Jesus’s commandment to love God with all we are – heart, soul and mind, and love others in the way we love ourselves. We are simply seeking to live out the love we have received.
We are blessed to have a number of community-focussed initiatives and events (Pollards Hill Foodbank, Pollards Hill Community Funday, Tots ‘n’ Tinies, Hope Coffee Club etc.) as well as our own radio station (PHBC Radio) that help us to fulfil this mission.
Our Values
Raising disciples, reaching the world
As a church we seek to love and embrace our community while shining the light of Christ in our world. We are a loving and inclusive church family who believe in walking and thriving in the freedom God has given to us through the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ. More than this, we believe in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20, to go and be witnesses of the great gift of the gospel.
Our Beliefs
More than ordinary feelings
Belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is central to our faith as Christians. We believe that Jesus is God’s Son, who reveals to us that God is our Father, and that God is available to us through the Holy Spirit. Our faith as Christians is not the figment of human minds and there are many signs of God’s existence and handiwork throughout the wonder of creation. Beyond this, we have the faith we do because through Jesus Christ, God came to seek us out and through the bible, He has made Himself known to us.
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PHBC Radio App
Broadcasting 24 hours a day, from London to the world, PHBC Radio serves up inspirational Christian worship music, bible readings, topical discussions, guest appearances, phone-in shows and more. You can even request your favourite songs directly from the app.
God, our Help in Ages Past
As as church, we have continued to celebrate God’s Faithfulness through the Generations (1940 – 2025).