PHBC Good Friday Service: The Point of the Cross
Join us in person and online, for our Good Friday service at 10:30am. The theme for this year is, ‘The Point of the Cross’. We’re pretty confident you’ll be blessed....
Join us in person and online, for our Good Friday service at 10:30am. The theme for this year is, ‘The Point of the Cross’. We’re pretty confident you’ll be blessed....
Join us in person and online, for our Easter Sunday service at 10:30am. The theme for this year is, ‘The Weight of a Stone’. We’re pretty confident you’ll be blessed,...
Join us in person and online, for our regular time of worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we journey through our sermon series – FULLY PAID. The theme for this...
Join us in person and online, for our regular time of worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we journey through our sermon series – FULLY PAID. The theme for this...
Join us in person and online, for our regular time of worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we journey through our sermon series – FULLY PAID. The theme for this...
Join us in person and online, for our regular time of worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we journey through our sermon series – FULLY PAID. The theme for this...
Join us in person and online, for our regular time of worship this Sunday at 10:30am. The theme for this week is, ‘God's Plan B’. We’re pretty confident you’ll be...