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PHBC Family Worship Service: Freedom!

March 30 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Join us in person and online, for our regular time of worship this Sunday at 10:30am.  The theme for this week is, ‘Freedom!’. We’re pretty confident you’ll be blessed.

Freedom, in it’s most basic form, is choice. Adam and Eve had the freedom, the choose to obey or disobey God. In a practical way, when our society abuses freedom, it leads to bondage. When Christian freedom is abused, it leads to bondage to sin. Real spiritual freedom comes only through a right relation with Jesus Christ.

The full service will be streamed live on our radio station, PHBC Radio, as well as via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Download the PHBC Radio app today:



March 30
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:
